Curing acne not just treating it Curing acne depends on dealing with the causes of acne. Acne pimples break out not suddenly but through a build up over several days of infection under the skin. The pores (tiny holes) in the skin can get blocked by an excess of a naturally produced skin oil, which in normal quantities is fine, but which if over-produced by over-stimulated skin glands, creates a breeding ground for harmful acne-producing bacteria. Stop the over-production of oil and you will go a long way to stopping the acne infection.
If outbreaks continue to happen you might want to try new products or just forget the acne products in the store and seek out the advice of a dermatologists. Dermatologists would be able to decide whether to prescribe medications that you take orally to help fight the bacteria in pores or prescribe stronger medications that may work better than the ones in the store.
The most common acne treatments potential side effects come under the heading of allergic reactions. There are many ingredients used in acne treatments, some of which are natural and some of which are synthetic but all of which have the potential to cause some form of allergic reaction. It could manifest itself in a number of ways, including a rash, hives, painful boils and internal reactions such as a tight chest and fever. Of course, this depends on the ingredient that causes the reaction but the majority of reactions only occur in those with extremely sensitive skin. Acne treatments do go through clinical trials to make sure that they are safe, which should reassure you that potential side effects like this are extremely rare.
tags: how do i get rid of acne, treatments for adult cystic acne, red face with acne