How to get rid of acne redness

« ...A friend, who was suffering from acute acne and was keeping absent from the classes, asked me the other day, "Does drinking water get rid of acne?" She told me that she is drinking a lot of water these days and was hopeful about getting a relief soon. My answer made her happy and gave her some hope. I told her that drinking a lot of water may help gradually improve the situation and may give relief from acne and related inflammation, although it is not the exact cure for acne. In fact, there is not absolute cure for it at all....
...Not all pimples can be treated. This why we have the expertise of the dermatologists. The common prescription for clear acne treatment are topical and oral antibiotics, Accutane and Retin A (a derivative of Vitamin A). Take note when you are taking Accutane. It is not recommended for women who are having a baby during pregnancy. Remember just like any drug, you should be prepared for the side effects of the pills....»
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«...That's not to say the sun is all bad-it's a great source of the much need Vitamin D. Just be sure to limit exposure and always wear an oil-free sunscreen. Fruits and Vitamin D enriched milk will make up for any extra Vitamin D your body might need....»
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tags: acne scar treatment effectiveness, acne free in 3 days by chris gibson, do water help get rid of acne